Thelo's Batmud diary


| Exploring drow tower

Level: 92  Exp: 356.0M  Reinc: human monk(30)+tarmalen(30)+navigator(4)+treenav(3)+ saato+(5)+slf+(5)  

Exploring drow tower area and getting immolated a couple of times. (more)

| 350M exp totals, year two summary

Level: 92  Exp: 350.0M  Reinc: human monk(30)+tarmalen(30)+navigator(4)+treenav(3)+ saato+(5)+slf+(5)  

Reached 350M exp totals with my primary char. Two years active play. (more)

| Tohelo: Reinc to ogre ranger

Level: 49  Exp: 13.1M  Reinc: ogre ranger(35)  

Reinced to ogre ranger with my secondary. (more)

| 1M exp session, True Master of Falling Boulder Strike

Level: 92  Exp: 345.4M  Reinc: human monk(30)+tarmalen(30)+navigator(4)+treenav(3)+ saato+(5)+slf+(5)  

You are now a True Master of falling boulder strike. (more)

| 3M exp session, king Leo and Wildspace eq parties

Level: 92  Exp: 344.0M  Reinc: human monk(30)+tarmalen(30)+navigator(4)+treenav(3)+ saato+(5)+slf+(5)  

I ended up doing 3M exp in one boot. In the same boot, I also had catfolk king and Wildspace eq parties. (more)

| Thelo: 340M exp totals, Tohelo 10M totals

Level: 92  Exp: 340.6M  Reinc: human monk(30)+tarmalen(30)+navigator(4)+treenav(3)+ saato+(5)+slf+(5)  

Reached 340M exp totals with my primary and 10M totals with my secondary. Won tarma+inner circle reinc ticket. (more)

| 330M exp totals

Level: 92  Exp: 332.4M  Reinc: human monk(30)+tarmalen(30)+navigator(4)+treenav(3)+ saato+(5)+slf+(5)  

Reacged 330M exp totals first time. Wave crest strike maxed out. (more)