| 130M Totals, Hot Potato Winner

Posted October 18, 2022 ( monk )

Level: 71

Exp: 130.1M

Reinc: monk(30)+tarmalen(25)+navigator(1)

Today was a pretty good session. First, I won the Hot Potato event, got some gems and the Le Chef rank. I had lost the rank as I wasn’t online when the event was previously ran.

rank list
Your available rank is:
1: [Le Chef] Unique challenge trophy rank for Hot Potato winner!

In addition, I managed to solo about 1M exp and reached 130M exp totals. On top of that, I found out that the queen ant in Ant Hill area had two leg protector armour, which I had not seen previously. I decided to try soloing the queen and it went down rather quickly (in 10 minutes).

la queen
Queen ant is ten times as big as your average ant, and in this case size does
matter - she is also ten times stronger than them, and can withstand
incredible amounts of physical punishment before succumbing. Her mighty
mandibles, caustic acid and loyal warriors will make slaying her a very hard
task, indeed.
She is in excellent shape.
        Queen ant's equipment:
Torso: A dark set of chitinous plates (glowing) <red glow>
Held: a small leather pouch, which smells like tobacco
Leg: A chitinous leg protector (glowing) <red glow>
Leg: A chitinous leg protector (glowing) <red glow>

The leg protectors turned out to be +2 con items both, at least with name bonus. The exp worth of queen was 54369 exp, which was pretty ok for a 10 minute work.