| 160M exp totals

Posted December 25, 2022 ( monk )

Level: 78

Exp: 161.4M

Reinc: monk(30)+tarmalen(30)+navigator(3)

As the double exp is still on, exp gaining is rather fast. Today I soloed 2.7M exp:

Time: 12 hours 2 minutes 21 seconds
Experience gained: 2745660
Experience lost: 47089
Experience spent: 2688716
Gold difference: +99114.00
New areas explored: 1
Battle skill summary:
Total attacks: 7211
  Hit: 4972 Missed: 1454 Parried: 277 Dodged: 984 (Tumbled: 476)
  Crits: 158 Stuns: 87 Ripostes: 0
Total received attacks: 5543
  Hit: 1815 Avoided: 2328 Parried: 0 Dodged: 1868 (Tumbled: 468)
  Crits: 47 Stuns: 14 (Maneuvered: 9)

My exp totals are now 161M:

Total of 161442654 experience spent on character.