| 3M exp session, king Leo and Wildspace eq parties

Posted July 4, 2024 ( monk tarmalen )

Level: 92

Exp: 344.0M

Reinc: human monk(30)+tarmalen(30)+navigator(4)+treenav(3)+ saato+(5)+slf+(5)

I started the boot by soloing a little here and there. I also noticed that I can open Wildspace pretty early in the boot and went doing some exp there.

After a while, I found myself from one highbie exp party (lead by B) where I acted as a front row healer.

In terms of damage done, the party stats for that exp party were somewhat depressing:

                  |  Damage done | Healing done | Damage taken
1. M (tiger)      |       35.96% |        1.41% |       25.38%
2. B (barb)       |       31.38% |        0.64% |       41.72%
3. B (blaster)    |       24.51% |       15.75% |        9.72%
4. Thelo          |        8.15% |       82.19% |       23.17%

King Leo and Wildspace eq parties

One tarmadruid wanted to have +5 wis crown from catfolk king Leo for himself and I volunteered as a tank. We had a 6 man party for Leo and it went down quite fast. This time Leo had also potion belt on him and I was able to get it for myself. Now I can use the belt and no need to drag potion packs around.

Since Leo was killed fast and everyone had spare time, we ended up going to Wildspace, as it was open and pretty close. I took the lead for the area and we killed the eye thing and the minotaur captain from the area before the night came and I had to go to bed.

In the morning, I noticed D and G in the area (Wildspace, that is) and they kindly invited me with them (as a makeshift healer). This time, we killed Xirtonne, the werewolf and the vampire. From the loot, I got +spr and +flow of magic scarf, which I can take into use in my next channeller reinc (currently, the neck slot is taken by +infra eq). Although, I usually have enough exp for 100% flow of magic, so the +flow of magic bonus from the scarf won’t be that useful. But, having the scarf feels nostalgic, since that was one of my favorite items in the old times.


  • Since I didn’t die in the parties, I got about 1M exp in solo and then about 2M exp from parties within on boot
  • Received potion belt from catfolk king Leo party
  • +spr and +flow of magic scarf from Wildspace/Xirtonne party
  • About 80 new rooms explored, explore count now 64%