| Merchant Alchemist reinc, August update

Posted August 11, 2023 ( alchemist merchant )

Level: 75

Exp: 234.8M

Reinc: human alchemist(30)+merchant(25)+navigator(3)+treenav(2)

Here is yet another update on my reinc. I have been in the reinc now 36 days and my doings are starting to follow certain pattern:

  • mine some metals / gemstones and collect herbs
  • cut gems from gemstones and make a set of rings
  • craft set of salves using the collected materials

In addition, I managed to save enough materials for a few chests. So far, I have done three 12 slotters, one 11 slotter, and one 9 slotter from five large chest skeletons. In addition, I have done a few smaller chests from smaller skeletons also.

Money income

As previously, a breakdown of my income since July 25:

350k gold from merchant cart sales (alch rings, salves)
58.5k gold from potion sales via potion shop
246k gold from direct player-to-player sales (repairs, prots, money exchanges)
19.5k gold from reagent exchange

In other words, 674k gold from other players during the last three weeks.

Salve weight experiments

By default salves (from Mix salve skill) weight quite a lot. 16 slot salve pack from cloth full of salves can weight easily 16 kgs. I complained about this to Shinarae and he kindly hinted me that one can cast feather weight at the individual salves before storing them to a salve pack.

I tested the suggestion and managed to get the total weight of str+dex+con salves in 16 slot salve pack down to 1.9 kgs. While it is a chore to cast FW 16 times (plus one time for the pack itself), this is quite big reduction in the weight and makes sense at least for tank reincs.

There is trick though: It is best to select the most light weight salve from the combo and FW it first. Then you need to blend the other salves into this light weight salve. This way the weight of the first salve becomes the weight of the whole salve combination.