| Chest Creation Maxed

Posted February 6, 2023 ( alchemist merchant )

Level: 72

Exp: 161.0M

Reinc: merchant(25)+alchemist(30)+navigator(2)

Merchant Life

After two weeks of being merchant, I managed to max out Chest creation skill. Other chest skills (trap, lock creation) are still at 70%. I am not sure if I will spend any effort to raise them.

What comes to Minecrafting, I have it now at 25%. I have mostly mined in the “traditional” way and haven’t yet concentrated on improving Minecrafting.


While doing other merchant things, I also tested Shipbuilding a little. I have now three shipbuilding quests and class 1 boat with console done.

You obtain the following information from your shipyard:

You have completed the following quests:
  class2 (25%) - Upgrade a ship to class 2
  console (15%) - Add an informative console
  create (10%) - Create a new ship

You know of the following quests:
  cabin (35%) - Learn how to build a captain's cabin.
  cargo (45%) - Learn how to build cargo holds.
  class3 (50%) - Learn how to build class 3 ships.
  nest (30%) - Learn how to build a crow's nest.
  sailor_quarters (30%) - Learn how to modify sailors' quarters.

Next I plan to raise my boat to class 2, but I am still lacking some cloth material:

You obtain the following information from your shipyard:

This job allows you to upgrade a ship from class 1 to class 2, allowing many
more features.

Required materials:
  Material              Kilos On Hand
  -------------------- ------ -------
  Birch                    50      51
  Brass                    30      63
  Cloth                    40       0
  Glass                    35      36
  Iron                     50      81
  Mallorn                  80     182
  Oak                     135     222
  Slate                    10      28
  Titanium                 50      38
  Wood                    400     398

Special item: Any item that gives at least +5 wis or +5 dex (have 0)

Workers: 4
The job will take 23 shifts (approx 69 minutes)
Each worker is paid 500 credits per shift.
Total cost: 46000 credits (0 avail).

Note that materials may be used up at different rates for different jobs; this
is due to the fact that some jobs require more work than simply slapping
together some supplies.

Exchange money

I made a little experiment with Exchange money skill. It was cheap enough to train to 100% and in addition I took full Hyperspecialist boon for the skill, so I got it to 115%.

On a somewhat lucky day with 137 cha, I seem to get lossless conversion all the way up to mithril. Although, about 1%..2% loss seem to be the standard.

But once I have got over 100% conversion rate:

la gold on ground
A small hill of gold coins.
It seems to contain about 50000 coins.
It looks ridiculously heavy.
Hp:681/681 Sp:757/757 Ep:269/522 Money:28314+71975 90 kgs Exp:7322 |16:52|
use exchange money at gold
You start concentrating on the skill.
Hp:681/681 Sp:457/757 Ep:269/522 Money:28314+71975 90 kgs Exp:7322 |16:52|
You are prepared to do the skill.
You manage to exchange the gold to 5235 platinum.
hp: 681 (681) [] sp: 457 (757) [] ep: 249 (522) [-20] cash: 28314 [] exp: 7322 []
Hp:681/681 Sp:457/757 Ep:249/522 Money:28314+71975 90 kgs Exp:7322 |16:52|
convert 5235 platinum to gold
5235.0 platinums is 52350.0 golds.


As I have already found all 197 potions, on alchemist side I have concentrated on alchemist ring making. I have done probably around 20 rings. Most of the rings have been +5 str or +6 str, but I have got a couple of +4 dam rings and +4 physres rings as well.

For my next channeller (or mage) reinc, I have created +5 int and +6 int rings.

I haven’t yet managed to get +4 spr ring, but I got +3 spr once.

Also, for merchant purposes, I have two +5cha+2wis rings. They will help with exchange money skill at least.

One task point

Initially with rings, I was always getting -str as third bonus to the rings. Hair also said that he is getting the same. I reported this as a bug to Shinarae, he accepted the report, and fixed the code. While doing so, Shinarae also rewarded me and Hair with one task point.

From now one, alch rings should have other negative bonuses as well as their third bonus. For example, I got -4 sex change “bonus” for my +4dam+1spr ring after the fix was done.

Ring of Damage and Spell Point Regen [Made by: Thelo] labeled as [4dam1spr-4sex_change]