| 7M exp session

Posted December 28, 2022 ( monk )

Level: 78

Exp: 169.0M

Reinc: monk(30)+tarmalen(30)+navigator(3)

On 26th day of December, I ended up soloing 2M or so exp, getting 500k from resses, and slightly over 7M from partying as backrow healer (parties were led by H).

As I normally do about 1M/day, getting 7M/day was somewhat surreal. I managed to max out Martial arts and Ki, and trained Quick chant to 88%.

Here are my currently maxed out skills from monks:

| Alertness                     |  85 | 100 |  85 |       (n/a) |
| Kiai-cry                      |  90 | 100 |  90 |       (n/a) |
| Mind over body                | 100 | 100 | 100 |       (n/a) |
| Hiking                        |  90 | 100 |  90 |       (n/a) |
| Bless                         |  80 | 100 |  80 |       (n/a) |
| Sewing                        |  80 | 100 |  80 |       (n/a) |
| Meditation                    | 100 | 100 | 100 |       (n/a) |
| Primal adept                  |   0 | 100 |  -  |       (n/a) |
| Ki                            | 100 | 100 | 100 |       (n/a) |
| Controlled motion             |  75 | 100 |  75 |       (n/a) |
| Stun                          |  80 | 100 |  80 |       (n/a) |
| Throw weight                  | 100 | 100 | 100 |       (n/a) |
| Combat sense                  |  45 | 100 |  45 |       (n/a) |
| Martial arts                  | 100 | 100 | 100 |       (n/a) |
| Dodge                         |  80 | 100 |  80 |       (n/a) |

Solo areas

I have noticed that when I these days solo exp, I end up to a selected few regular areas like:

  • Shinarae’s Drow tower
  • Shinarae’s Orc samurai camp
  • Noctur’s Ant hill
  • Runeaxe’s Lanzia

In addition, I sometimes visit Zin’s Lost Pyramid, Gorgar’s Castle Severus, and Xiantha’s Perilous forest.

Drow tower is kind of nice as there is a strength check for the area and in addition the path to the area is filled with monsters which damage eqs, so not many people visit there (usually it is only some random nun).

Occasionally, I have tried other areas as well, but especially in Laenor and Rothikgren, they seem to be rather crowded.