| Over 10k rooms explored

Posted October 15, 2022 ( monk )

Level: 71

Exp: 127.0M

Reinc: monk(30)+tarmalen(25)+navigator(1)

While hunting for (detached) doll parts for Rothikgen continent quest, I managed to get my explore count over 10000 rooms: 10032/18064 (E%: 55)

In addition, I had a nice exp party with Hicks and other folks and now I have 127M totals.

Money situation

Compared to my old blog, I haven’t put my money amount for my current character into blog item meta data. That is mostly because my money situation fluctuates quite much daily, so the information isn’t that useful to keep track of.

However, now I have managed to collect somewhat nice amount of high coins that is is worth mentioning:

This chest is made from wood and is an excellent item for storing your hard-earned money.
It is labeled as mithril_coins.
See 'help small wood money-box' for more information.
The coffer has small silvery plate with name 'Thelo'
Small wood money-box has 1777 coins worth 888500.00 gold and space for 345800 coins.
    Mithril       1777 Worth:  888500.00
This item is in AWESOME condition.
It looks heavy.


This chest is made from wood and is an excellent item for storing your hard-earned money.
It is labeled as raha-arkku.
See 'help big wood money-box' for more information.
The coffer has small silvery plate with name 'Thelo'
Big wood money-box has 6258 coins worth 312900.00 gold and space for 460500 coins.
    Anipium       6258 Worth:  312900.00
This item is in AWESOME condition.
It looks very heavy.

Basically, I have two money chests, one for mithrils and another for anipiums. I have about 888k in mithrils and 312k in anipiums. In addition, I have about 700k gold in bank.