| Explore in Ndoki

Posted August 28, 2024 ( monk tarmalen )

Level: 96

Exp: 388.2M

Reinc: catfolk monk(30)+tarmalen(30)+innercircle(10)+ navigator(3)+treenav(3)+slf+(5)

After reinc, I have continued normal monk stuff and in addition done some explore.

While reading old logs from 2001, I noticed that I had at some point led 6man “eq” parties in Ndoki and killed a couple of scorpions there, for example.

I was curious, if I could now solo same monsters, which previously required 6man party of lvl 50 players. Since I had inner circle levels and armour of aether, killing the scorpions proved to be rather easy and I got a new solo kill:

a GIGANTIC scorpion is here, 96696 exp

Inspired by the kill, I also went to Dunamor and all the way to Jacobi. I didn’t try Jacobi himself, but the guardian blocker before it went down, although I died once as it was casting imprisonment and I failed the neutralize field spell at the critical point.

Next, I found myself from Oakvale and discovered some secret rooms from there. Unfortunately, the monster (golem) in the secret room was physres, so I could not take it down.

The net result from the explore session was 20 new rooms and my explore count is currently 11823/18250 (E%: 64).

Monk combo skills

New combo skill on my grinding list is Hydra fang strike from Rothikgen trainer.

At the moment, the skill is at 55%. Other skills are following:

Laenor trainer:
Wave crest strike                110
Geyser force kick                110
Tsunami push                      96

Furnachia trainer:
Falling boulder strike           110
Earthquake kick                  110
Avalanche slam                   100

Lucentium trainer:
Falcon talon strike               95
Elder cobra kick                  93
Lions teeth throw                 79

It took about two weeks of calendar time to get Falcon talon strike from 94% to 95%. I hope the final five points come faster.

Monk guild quests

In the previous reinc, I didn’t bother with the guild quests as the reinc was planned to be temporary only (although lasted almost three months). This time, I plan to do at least equally long reinc, so I started doing the quests.

So far 6 quests done:

  • Initial “carry monk” quest
  • Embodiment of your inner demons quest
  • Prevent fellow monk from moving with Joint lock skill quest
  • Rescue fellow monks quest
  • Kill monsters with iron palm and controlled motion + make a robe quest
  • Fetch some boulders from a harpy and create a sculpture quest

The next one on the list will be the meditation tree planting quest.

Monk sect progress

Ooo, monks have plenty of different stuffs to grind! Luckily, you can advance in different areas simultaneously.

I have joined Scarlet Lotus monk/tiger sect and current progress is:

+----------------------=( The Sect of Scarlet Lotus )=-----------------------+
|                                                                            |
| Sensei Shozai thinks the wisdom of the sect of Scarlet Lotus may help you  |
| reach your full potential. Shozai has estimated the progress you have      |
| made with the Warrior Brotherhood and he thinks that your combat skills    |
| are are on satisfactory level. Shozai is content that you have worked      |
| hard with the Warrior Brotherhood so doesn't need to teach you elementary  |
| concepts. Shozai thinks you should cultivate calm before storm, focused    |
| vitality, heart meridian, sharp rose petals and spleen meridian and learn  |
| what these new skills will allow you to do. After that, you should come    |
| back to him to learn more.                                                 |
|                                                                            |
| Way of Meditation:                                                         |
| ------------------                                                         |
|                                                                            |
| Mantra of Body Flows (body flows)                       1 %                |
| Mantra of Inner Peace (inner peace)                     1 %                |
| Mantra of Introspection (introspection)                 24 %               |
|                                                                            |
| Way of Epicenters:                                                         |
| ------------------                                                         |
|                                                                            |
| Lung Meridian (lung meridian)                           14 %               |
|                                                                            |
| Way of Fire:                                                               |
| ------------------                                                         |
|                                                                            |
| Breath of Aeo (breath of aeo)                           1 %                |
|                                                                            |
| Way of Water:                                                              |
| ------------------                                                         |
|                                                                            |
| Jaguar Fighting (jaguar fighting)                       2 %                |
| Rain Drops (rain drops)                                 19 %               |
| Sweeping Kick (sweeping kick)                           1 %                |
|                                                                            |
| Learned, but needs practice:                                               |
| ----------------------------                                               |
|                                                                            |
| Sharp Rose Petals (sharp rose petals)                 (Cultivated)         |
| Heart Meridian (heart meridian)                                            |
| Calm Before Storm (calm before storm)                                      |
| Focused Vitality (focused vitality)                                        |
| Spleen Meridian (spleen meridian)                                          |
|                                                                            |

Monk sect style settings:

+---------------------=( Rain Drops [primary style] )=-----------------------+
| Turbulent Flow Style (left): Jaguar Fighting                               |
| Serene Flow Style (right):   none                                          |
| Active Stance: left (turbulent flow and meridian left)                     |
| Style Skill: push                                                          |
| Style Bonus%: attack, enhance criticals and contact reflexes               |
| Turbulent Bonus%: martial arts                                             |
| Assigned Combat Technique: Sweeping Kick                                   |

When I rejoined the monks, I had to bribe the sensei again, but otherwise my progress was saved over the reincs and I could continue the skill progress from the state where there were before the reinc.