| Explore, buying some caster eqs

Posted April 1, 2023 ( monk tarmalen )

Level: 83

Exp: 184.1M

Reinc: monk(30)+tarmalen(30)+navigator(3)+treenav(2)+slf(3)

As my explore count is almost 60%, I have tried to actively search unvisited areas / rooms. I found out that I had not visited Shipwreck area at all and it is easy to access even without ship. In addition, I found some new rooms from Valley of The Kings and got a new solo kill from there also:

mumm-y-ion, the grim mummy guard (undead), 88006 exp

Here is my current top10 solo list:

 #   Date    |
 1. 31/03/23 | mumm-y-ion, the grim mummy guard (un.., 88006 exp
 2. 31/03/23 | an old frail gray wolf with gleaming.., 76682 exp
 3. 14/03/23 | Brown dragon, 75910 exp
 4. 19/03/23 | A mighty gladiator, 56610 exp
 5. 02/03/23 | Varne, the vampire (undead), 55579 exp
 6. 19/03/23 | an enormously large and strong ant l.., 54946 exp
 7. 19/03/23 | A holy cleric of Yak, 50689 exp
 8. 02/03/23 | a diamond pixie drake, 50127 exp
 9. 06/03/23 | a cult leader, powerful figure fight.., 49521 exp
10. 31/03/23 | the Ogre King is thinking up devilis.., 49005 exp

Current explore count is:

Explore count: 10772/18157 (E%: 59)

Efiilas tasks

My favor count at Efiilas is now 1000. It seems that I am these days considered as ‘highbie’ instead of ‘midbie’ in the Efiilas task system, so I am only getting 50 Favor per medium task. And I still find the hard tasks too time consuming to do, so I have kept doing the medium level tasks. As I have in previous reincs got 1000 Favor per medium task, it now takes twice as long to collect Favor points.

On the other hand, my secondary character Tohelo gets 100 Favor even from the easy tasks, so with it the Favor point collection is much faster.

184M totals

Total of 184142038 experience spent on character.

I have finally covered my 20M exp reinc tax from the instant merchant+alchemist reinc. It was nice get a ship and chests, but I should probably restrain myself from reincing too often. It is somewhat time consuming to recover from the high reinc taxes.

Caster eq set improvements

My catfolk monktarma mostly designed for soloing exp and in addition, most of my secret society members are either wizzes or retired players. So, to get eqs, I have concentrated on killing small “money monsters” (for example, 162 drows killed from Underdark or Drow tower in this reinc, 5per/day in average) and then buying eqs.

The latest purchases are the new +8 int Xirtonne kilt and +spr blue radium boots. I had old +5 int kilt already, but no spr eqs for the foot slots. My int set has now about +60 int and spr set +40 spr, if I have calculated the bonuses correctly.