| Gazgo event winner 2nd time

Posted August 13, 2023 ( merchant alchemist gazgo )

Level: 75

Exp: 234.8M

Reinc: human alchemist(30)+merchant(25)+navigator(3)+treenav(2)

There was Gazgo event run and I decided to participate it as I had some extra time for the event.

First, it looked like E was going to win, but he had to quit, so it was only me continuing the event:

| Name            Score |
| E               3733  |
| Thelo           2625  |
| Score to win:   5000  |
| Total Time Running    | 93 minutes, 23 seconds    |

But soon K joined in and he got quite close to me (I am still somewhat rusty with the area descs and locations):

| Name            Score |
| Thelo           4666  |
| E               3733  |
| K               4000  |
| Score to win:   5000  |
| Total Time Running    | 131 minutes, 43 seconds   |

The victory message was:

Gazgo tells you 'You have tagged me.'

Gazgo tells you 'You receive 425 points for that tag.'

Gazgo tells you 'Your total score is 5091.

Gazgo tells you 'You have WON!'

Gazgo tells you 'You have been rewarded 164 mithril.'

Gazgo shouts 'Thelo has won the Hunt Event.'
	     'Thelo has been awarded THE prize.'
Gazgo tells you 'You will be rewarded your score five times over in gold.'

Gazgo tells you 'You have been rewarded 25455 gold.'

Gazgo tells you 'I am out of here!'
Gazgo, the hiding mage, snaps from existance.