| Infizinity Orb Sold

Posted September 11, 2022 ( monk )

Level: 71

Exp: 95.0M

Reinc: monk(30)+tarmalen(25)+navigator(1)

Gotrek was looking for infizinity orbs, so I sold him my infizinity orb, which I found a month or two ago, for 1M gold. This gave me some money to expand my city and buy new chests. I also bought +int necklace from Berenn.

Syggax tasks

I managed to reach 1000 Favor by doing Syggax tasks. With the favors, I requested the book, which gives a channeller golem storage spell.

Spell help for golem storage:

Help available on topic:
No saving throw.
Casting time: 1 round.
Type of spell: neutral spell.
Affecting stats: int.
Cast type: teleportation.
Spell point cost: 37.
By harnessing teleportation and channelling magic, a channeller is able to
store a small number of golems in a permanent extradimensional statis, leaving
them indefinitely until called back to this realm. Golems are incapable of
boredom, so this spell doesn't injure them, but you can only use it on golems
you've animated yourself.
Syntax: cast golem storage at <golem> into slot <number>
        cast golem storage at <name> out of slot <number>
        cast golem storage at list

Book of the channeller spell ‘golem storage’ < red glow > description:

Reading this book will teach you the spell 'golem storage' at exactly the same
spell percent as you currently have 'animate golem' studied. The book will be
destroyed on use.
It is surrounded by a red glow.
This tome is in AWESOME condition.
It looks light weight.


Currently I have reached 95M exp §totals Only 5M to go to 100M!