| Lady Zilvra is DEAD, R.I.P.

Posted October 4, 2022 ( monk )

Level: 71

Exp: 115.7M

Reinc: monk(30)+tarmalen(25)+navigator(1)

I was curious how long I could survive against Lady Zilvra (of Drow Tower). To my surprise, she was taking damage quite nicely and did not hit me that much, so I decided to see if I can take her down. It took about one hour, but in the end, I managed to kill her.

My top10 solo kills are now:

Your top10 solo kills are (auto is ON):
 #   Date    |
 1. 04/10/22 | An armoured drow woman traces her fi.., 74429 exp
 2. 31/08/22 | Khantan the cult leader, 69826 exp
 3. 27/09/22 | A large wyvern, 58571 exp
 4. 12/09/22 | a massive ogre standing at the gates, 54420 exp
 5. 27/09/22 | A sweating pirate trying to go throu.., 48494 exp
 6. 21/09/22 | A mighty gladiator, 47538 exp
 7. 24/09/22 | A fearless blue dragon puffs chillin.., 46695 exp
 8. 14/09/22 | A female dunedain citizen on her way.., 45534 exp
 9. 27/09/22 | A merchant from Rilynt'tar, 45490 exp
10. 30/08/22 | A lovely and shapely tigress catfolk, 45401 exp

And here is the finger info:

Thelo Silverpaw is a level 71 mortal of the Catfolk race.
He was created Wed Sep 24 20:29:34 2003 and he is 76d, 20h, 38min and 49s old.
He has been on for 3h, 23min and 24s, not idle.
He has a secondary character, Tohelo.
He has killed: An armoured drow woman traces her fi.., 74429 exp
               The Duzelton mayor, stands here work.., 96968 exp (party of 4)
Web page: https://thelo.blog/
>fumbling monk(tarma).
>See https://gurb.me/ for the adventure stories of my previous character.

Monk skills

While doing exp, I have also trained the monk combo skills more. At the moment I have Falling boulder strike, Wave crest strike, and Geyser force kick at 100%. Earthquake kick is at 99%, Tsunami Push at 90%, Falcon talon strike at 90%, Avalanche slam at 86%, and Elder cobra kick at 67%.

I still completely miss the last skill from the Lucentium trainer and all the skills from Rothikgen trainer (area skills).

Sewing salve packs

These days monks get sewing to 80%. I have it trained only to 74%, but I noticed that I can create 19(!) slot salve packs with it when I use Kata skill. One can even dye them with different colors:

green cloth pack for holding salves [0/19]
cyan cloth pack for holding salves [0/12]

Partying in Amazon

Arnoldi had some task to do in Amazon/Mist, so I volunteered to help him. Together with Ardoldi, Venturus, and Garas we first tried see how we fare against Belan. I had already forgotten how hard he hits:

Orc Prince Belan BRUTALLY BOOTS Venturus.
Orc Prince Belan BARBARICALLY BEATS Venturus.

We had no real protter with us, so we pretty quickle came to conclusion that we need to skip him. Then we changed to Tigra and managed to get all her companions down, but then they repopped and we simply decided to give up on her as well. As the last option, we ended up killing the Grand Master Alchemist, although he had no equipment, so it was purely for fun purposes.