| New level, named fire entity

Posted June 24, 2023 ( channeller riftwalker )

Level: 86

Exp: 233.2M

Reinc: elf riftwalker(15)+channeller(30)+mage(10)+ innercircle(10)+navigator(4)+treenav(2)

I made a few bigger (solo) sessions to get myself a new level. For level 86, you need about 4.4M exp, but you can do those in 1M blocks. So, four times 1M and then about 400k on top of that. This took three boots in total.

What inspired me to do the level was the requirement of 500 sparks (in a single boot) to get your entity named. Bind rift entity spell, which is used to name the entity, requires that many sparks before it works. Collecting 500 sparks (by soloing) meant for me a plenty of very small monsters. I started by killing about 200 monsters from Arelium sewers, then some from the beastlands, more from the newbie mountain, yet more from Anthill, and the rest from the “normal” 5k..20k exp monsters.

The side effect of the spark hunt was that I had near 1M exp with me at one point and I decided to try if I can make it to 1M for the level block. It turned out to be relatively easy, so I ended up doing that three times more (of course, with bigger monsters and not those 100..1k exp ones).

My fire entity is now:

Tuliotus, an enormous fire entity shimmering with power [yours]

Tree navigators

With the extra free level I took one tree navigator level more. This allows me to train tree herding to 66% and have more trees on the world.

At Lucentium, I have my “main” tree 20 north from the Lorenchia centrum and it has links to the monk guild, Valley of the Kings, Astacia, Catfolk tree, and swamp at the southwest corner of the continent near the special monk guild place.

| Destination          | Description               |            Cost |
| vk                   | Valley of the Kings       |          300 gp |
| monk                 | Monk guild                |          250 gp |
| astacia              | City of Astacia           |          300 gp |
| cattree              | Catfolk tree              |          250 gp |
| swamp                | Swamp, SW part of Luce    |          250 gp |
| Nodes available for linking                                        |
| startloc             | Starting location         |              -- |
| esiris               | E'siris, the void         |              -- |
| Prices subject to change without notice!                           |