| Merchant Life

Posted February 27, 2023 ( alchemist merchant )

Level: 72

Exp: 161.3M

Reinc: merchant(25)+alchemist(30)+navigator(2)

I have now been 36 days as merchant+alchemist. So far I have managed to do:

  • One class 2 boat with console (no cabin, no cargo hold or anything, I didn’t feel like doing the rest of the ship quests)
  • 23 chests, one of them 12 slotter
  • 89 alchemist rings


  • 420k through merchant cart sales
  • 399k through potion shop sales
  • 110k through reagent shop sales
  • 895k through direct player-to-player sales (rings, gems, armour prots)

In total, about 1.8M income in one month. This was mostly without any service advertisements as I mostly wanted to concentrate on my own doings.

From those 1.8M, I have spent 800k and the rest is for the guild level payments of the next reinc.