| One Year Summary

Posted August 13, 2023 ( alchemist merchant expgraph )

Level: 75

Exp: 234.8M

Reinc: human alchemist(30)+merchant(25)+navigator(3)+treenav(2)

I have now been playing actively about one year. Here is an annotated graph of my exp totals from the year:

Summary of my reincs since the summer 2022:

  1. xx -> 33M: Started as alch and went up to 33M totals.
  2. 33M -> 137M: Catfolk monk and then to catfolk monktarma
  3. 137M -> 140: Elf riftchanneller
  4. 140M -> 172M: Human monktarma
  5. 172M -> 180M: Ogre ranger+beastmaster
  6. 180M -> 161M: Paid 19M reinc tax and reinced to merchant+alchemist
  7. 161M -> 205M: Catfolk monktarma
  8. 205M -> 237M: Elf riftchanneller with inner circle levels
  9. 237M -> 234M: Paid 3M reinc tax and reinced to merchant+alchemist

As seen from the graph, I do most of my exp as monktarma.

The ogre ranger+beastmaster was an experimental reinc as I got torsomaker from Santa and wanted to test it as a nomad.

Then, during my first merchant reinc, I made myself a class 2 boat. It was and still is pretty barebones, but at least I can use it to test how ships work.

The first riftwalker+channeller reinc could be consired a partial failure, mostly as my entities were very small and I did not have prots (aoa) from inner circle. But, the second riftwalker+channeller reinc with inner circle levels was much better. I enjoyed it quite much and spent in the reinc about 3 months.

During those 3 months I also got some spots in eq parties. My dice luck was somewhat poor, but on the positive side, I got a few invitations to secret societies, which do eq parties.

Secondary character Tohelo

With Tohelo, my reincs have been: monk, riftwalker, alch, monk. So, I am somewhat hopeless with my guild choices and tend to select familiar guilds only. But, I have been planning that once I gain 10M..50M more exp for Tohelo, I can do some more brave reinc experiments.

image from One Year Summary