| Won Potato Event

Posted September 2, 2022 ( monk )

Level: 71

Exp: 87.1M

Reinc: monk(30)+tarmalen(25)+navigator(1)

On Friday evening, the wizzes ran a set of events, include the hot potato. I managed to win that particular event:

Thelo has survived the barrage of Hot potatoes.

You receive a few jewels as a momento of your success.

You also receive a right to use a rank! See 'rank list'.
This is a challenge trophy.

The reward was gems, including 2 huge ones:

A huge green olivine
A huge green malachite

I also got a new rank from the victory:

Your available rank is:
1: [Le Chef] Unique challenge trophy rank for Hot Potato winner!

Otherwise, pretty normal session. About 600k exp and some Syggax tasks.