| Reinc to catfolk monktarma with inner circle

Posted August 17, 2024 ( monk tarmalen innercircle )

Level: 96

Exp: 382.6M

Reinc: catfolk monk(30)+tarmalen(30)+innercircle(10)+ navigator(3)+treenav(3)+slf+(5)

After being 78 days in reinc, I decided that I finally want to take my tarmalen + inner circle reinc ticket into use. So, I reinced from human monktarma to catfolk monktarma.

I selected catfolk as I had +5.46% dex reinc flask in store and I could get rather nice dex for catfolk monk with it. I took 96 levels to be able to get enough treenav and navigator levels and some secret society levels for better stats (more dex).

With full dex boon, full super char boon, eqs, and Mind over body skill my dex is about 256.

Monk combo skill issue during reinc

I had already earlier noticed that you get set of 0% monk combo skills when you do monk->monk reinc within one boot and retrain your combo skills at the trainer.

Hydra fang strike                  0
Winged horse kick                  0
Dragon tail sweep                  0

This time when I reinced, Shinarae happened to be online and unidle and I reported the issue to him. He found the root cause quickly, fixed the code, and gave me one taskpoint for the finding:

You receive 1 task points for completing 'Minor bugs and various awarding' task.

Shinarae awards Thelo 1 points for completing 'Minor bugs and various awarding' task.