| Reinc to human monktarma

Posted May 31, 2024 ( monk tarmalen )

Level: 92

Exp: 325.2M

Reinc: human monk(30)+tarmalen(30)+navigator(4)+treenav(3)+ saato+(5)+slf+(5)

After being 45 days as alchmerchant, I reinced back to monktarma. The idea is to do some (solo)exp during the summer.

To have some variation to my monktarma reincs, I selected human as my race and took 5% wis reinc flask. My avoids this time (with eqs) are “unearthly”, so a step smaller than as catfolk. But on the other hand, I got better spmax and wis.


After 45 days in one reinc with normal regain speed, my tax and regain amounts were:

Tax % on your experience would be:     0.678
Experience you would pay would be:     2193545
Experience made to regain everything:  3537898

Somewhat surprisingly, I did my regains only in two evenings (mostly by soloing).

Alchmerchant reinc summary

Money income in 45 days:

  • 3.4M gold via merchant cart sales
  • 1.5M gold via potion shop sales
  • 670k via direct player-to-player sales
  • 210k via mineral exchange sales
  • 110k via reagent exchange sales

So, in total almost 6M gold income in one and half months.

In addition,

  • I increased my ship from class 2 to class 3 and added a couple of new modules to it (after completing the related ship quests),
  • created a few 10..12 slot chests and one 14 slot chest (via gem submerging),
  • and bought a few new professional forges and huge potion packs.

Regarding the merchant cart sales, this time equipment frames and chests were the most popular items. Alch rings and alchemist salves were sold less. Perhaps, because I didn’t do that many of them and for example didn’t try to sell any 3 stat combo salves (like int+wis+con or str+dex+con).