| Sesmar IV is DEAD, R.I.P.

Posted December 21, 2024 ( riftwalker channeller )

Level: 92

Exp: 424.0M

Reinc: human riftwalker(15)+channeller(30)+mage(10)+innercircle(10)+ navigator(4)+treenav(3)+saato+(5)

I got new solo kill, Sesmar IV, the king of the valley (100140 exp). I was curious if I could solo him as a riftchanneller, and it turned out to be relatively easy. My fire entity got killed only once (due to a critical hit), but because of that I could not get the kill recorded to the riftwalker fire entity plaque.

In the same boot, I also made over 1M exp. Soloing exp as human riftwalker seems to be faster than as catfolk monktarma (with fabs and aoa from inner circle), but I still find myself missing my monk reinc. (And having secondary as monk with 16 tarma levels doesn’t help the yearning that much because the secondary is heavily inflated and I need to keep killing relatively small monsters.)