| Small Session

Posted August 10, 2022 ( monk efiilas )

Level: 57

Exp: 62.7M

Reinc: monk(30)+tarmalen(11)+navigator(1)

Today there was quite short session, only about 0.5M exp and also did one medium Efiilas Advance Camp session from Cryllara:

Complete the refugee kit
When the evacuation started, we moved as many people as we could. A lot of
them didn't have time to pack, so we're low on food, water, and clothing for
them. Throw together what you can, but stick to Efiilas colours so we know who
has, and who hasn't been helped so far.

In total, I have so far made 6 tasks from Cryllara:

  1. Kill 3 small trees from Overworld (easy)
  2. Get six leather armours (medium)
  3. Find the Notes in the Cornfield Monestary (easy)
  4. Kill five pirates in the Satyr Forest (medium)
  5. Show the training elf advanced combat (medium)
  6. Complete the refugee kit (medium)

The fourth task, kill five pirates, was probably the hardest one so far. Mostly because I ended up aggroing many satyrs as well and it was hard to fight both the satyrs and the pirates at the same time.

Tip: Be prepared that some of the pirates will follow you, even quite long way inside the satyr village.

At the moment, I have 400 Favor. I can soon either by some 500 Favor item or save for 1000 or 2000 Favor items.

I have also been dealing essences for one highbie on regular basis. So far, I have gained 114k gold from those from him.