| Summer Time in Bat

Posted November 15, 2022 ( riftwalker channeller )

Level: 69

Exp: 139.4M

Reinc: channeller(30)+riftwalker(15)+navigator(3)+ society(5)+mage(1)

It is again summer in Bat, so I have been collecting some herbs. Some of them I have already used for salves, mostly for protection and +str salves. Others will wait in jars for my next alch reinc.


I had a short discussion with Moss about how force absorption is not reported via entity sense. He promised to look into that. In addition, Heidel hinted that the prots for entities are visible via party prots command, which seem to work even when you solo (without solo party).

That should help me a little with the entity prot (and control) status.

Playing with golems

As I managed to get Report feature for my iron golem, I have been testing the channeller blasts with it.

The iron golem seem to have 20% resist against magic, but 0% resist against elec. Channelball and channelray both make about 400hp dam to the golem. Channelbolt makes about 500hp dam. This with int 317, 96% flow of magic, 95% mastery of channelling, and full channeller supply. Although, I did the blasts only a few times, so I don’t really know how much the damage will vary between blasts.

But if you take account the 20% resist for magic, it could mean that the channelball and channelray both also make about 500hp dam if the monster does not resist.

In addition, channelblasts occasionally get a small 25..50hp extra effect, which has a chance to break the skills.

Ancient books of knowledge

During my monk reincs, I have collected a set of ancient books of knowledge. In my current reinc, I have slowly read them in case I get lucky:

You feel more knowledgable about cast information.
You feel more knowledgable about analysis of magic lore.
You feel more knowledgable about attack.
You feel more knowledgable about flow of magic.

The last one hit the jackpot. I have now Flow of magic at 103%. Before reading the book it was 96%, so I got 7% increase.

I still have one book left. There is 3 day cooling period before one can read the next book, so I need to wait a little before I can use the final one.