| Tohelo: Reinc to human riftchanneller
Posted April 14, 2024
Level: 68
Exp: 143.5M
Reinc: human riftwalker(15)+channeller(30)+navigator(3)+saato+(5)
The reincs were free during the 34th anniversary of BatMUD, so after being 2 weeks as tarmadruid, I ended up reincing my secondary to human riftchanneller.
Originally, I had many guild options, including liberator animist, monk tarma, alch merchant, and so on. But I had already relatively big rift entity from my previous riftwalker reincs, so I decided to go with the magical reinc.
So far the reinc is still in progress. I haven’t got all the chaneller guild quests done or managed to get blue aura. Also, I have no riftwalker quests done either.
That is mostly because I reinced my primary into alch merchant at the same time, and it takes some time to juggle between reinc preparations for both characters.