| Torso Maker sword from Santa

Posted December 20, 2022 ( monk )

Level: 78

Exp: 152.3M

Reinc: monk(30)+tarmalen(30)+navigator(3)

Today I got lucky with the present from Santa:

You open the present.
From the present falls the Torso Maker sword <christmas glow> <red glow>.

One of the best long swords in the game, although the christmas glow means that it isn’t permanent.

Of course, this presents me a small dilemma. I really haven’t played or in general even don’t like playing guilds, which get long blades with the exception of the alchemist guild. (And using tmaker as alch seems somewhat wasteful.)

On top of this, I prefer playing catfolk, which is too small to wield 2h sword like tmaker efficiently in one hand. So, the race would need to be a minotaur or an ogre, for example. Or, taking full “more size” and full “wield bigger weapons” boons to get better wielding for the catfolk or some other smaller race.

I have had in my plans to try liberator animist some day, that day might come pretty soon (unless I get some other more or less clever idea).