| Trilloch Zoo run

Posted July 5, 2023 ( channeller riftwalker )

Level: 86

Exp: 237.6M

Reinc: elf riftwalker(15)+channeller(30)+mage(10)+ innercircle(10)+navigator(4)+treenav(2)

Today I got myself into Trilloch Zoo party led by Skyforge people. From the party I got 95 new areas, about 1M exp, and +8 wis +4 mastery of medicine bracelets, so it was rather nice session. I was only (serious) damage dealer in the party:

party stats
                  |  Damage done | Healing done | Damage taken
1. Thelo          |       44.47% |        0.37% |        4.56%
2. N              |       17.23% |        2.82% |       17.17%
3. S              |       13.59% |        0.65% |       38.55%
4. D              |       11.00% |        2.27% |       28.22%
5. J              |        8.38% |       19.38% |        3.88%
6. A              |        5.33% |        0.91% |        4.45%
7. C              |        0.00% |       73.60% |        3.17%

Other things

In addition to partying, I soloed about 500k exp, made one Efiilas and one Feldspar task. At Efiilas, I reached 1000 Favor and in addition used 1000 Favor certificate from the previous reinc. This gave me 2000 Favor in total, which I used to request +dex sandals. The sandals would give +martial arts bonus to newbie and midbie users, but unfortunately with 237M exp totals and 86 levels, I am already considered as a highbie in the Efiilas/Feldspar/Syggax system.

I also was able to bid +int alabaster gloves from smoke+ pool. Now my int set gives me about +67 int bringing my total int up to 341 or nearby depending on the name bonuses on the eqs.