| Two 12 Slot Gargantuan Vaults

Posted July 25, 2023 ( alchemist merchant )

Level: 75

Exp: 234.4M

Reinc: human alchemist(30)+merchant(25)+navigator(3)+treenav(2)

I have managed to be 19 days in the alchmerchant reinc. I must admit that having primary character as alchmerchant and secondary as plain alchemist is somewhat extreme. You have no character at all, which you could use to do normal exp.

On the positive side, I have managed to create two 12 slot gargantuan vaults:

a gargantuan ebony vault reinforced with mithril
a gargantuan emerald vault reinforced with mithril

In addition, I have done some smaller chests as well.

With the alchemist stuff, I have tried to create +wis alch rings for myself, but no luck yet. I have only managed to do plenty of +4 dam, some +4 physres rings, and some +cha rings.

Money Income

Here is the breakdown of my income in these 19 days:

930k gold from merchant cart sales (alch rings, salves)
90k gold from potion sales via potion shop
795k gold from direct player-to-player sales (alch rigs, gems, money exchanges, misc services)
Zero gold from reagent exchange

So, in total about 1.8M gold received from other players. Salves and alch rings have been the best money sources so far. That makes about 100k gold per day.

As a riftchanneller or as a monk I usually solo money 100k..200k gold per session, so the money gaining as a merchant is not any faster. But instead, I have managed to do chests for myself, so I have saved something like 1M gold when I have done those by myself.