| Two Weeks as Channeller

Posted November 11, 2022 ( riftwalker channeller )

Level: 69

Exp: 137.2M

Reinc: channeller(30)+riftwalker(15)+navigator(3)+society(5)+mage(1)

I have been a channeller over two weeks already (more precisely 18 days). I haven’t played much due to being busy in real life, but here a little update.

Drain item spell issues

I noticed that pretty much all herbs were giving you negative sp income when drained with drain item spell. Only jaslah (+66 sps) and blood moss (+134 sps) gave positive result.

In theory, as drain item spell itself costs about 27 sps and the result of the drain item at herb was between -15..-10 sps, one could argue that the herbs were giving sps, indeed. However, this was different from the original behavior (from the time when the guild was created) where draining crystalline herb, for example, resulted income of 30 sps.

I reported the issue as a bug to Shinarae and he confirmed that the issue is a bug indeed. At the time of writing this post the fix for the bug isn’t active, but I hope it will be enabled soon. That should help with some of my spr issues.

Entity reputation

The size of my fire entity is now ‘medium’:

A medium fire entity gleaming with power

I have also captured an air entity, but I haven’t used it at all yet.

The fire entity can tank 20k..30k monsters relatively easily, so I can now do many of my money run monsters. However, when I tested it against some 60k monsters, it died in about 3 rounds. One reason for the deaths was simply lack of hpmax as bigger monsters were casting offensive spells. The protection spells from inner circle would probably help, but I cannot get access to them before I make about 19 levels more.