| Ulmat Sumtra Solo Kill

Posted October 19, 2022 ( monk )

Level: 71

Exp: 132.0M

Reinc: monk(30)+tarmalen(25)+navigator(1)

Following yesterday, I had another quite nice (solo) session. I gained a new solo kill:

Ulmat-Sumtra, the Wendigo Warrior, 90711 exp

and got +avoid amulet from the warrior. The solo kill was somewhat an accident. I was searching for the earth elemental and found the warrior first. I found the elemental also, but it resisted physical damage, so I had to give up on soloing it.

In addition, I managed to find a fulgurite site with two beads. Although, the map for the site was quite hopeless:

read map
  \                       /
  |   ttttttttttttttttt   |
  /   ttttttttttttttttt   \
  |   ttttttttttttttttt   |
  \   ttttttttttttttttt   /
  |   ttttttttttttttttt   |
  /   ttttttttXtttttttt   \
  |   ttttttttttttttttt   |
  \   ttttttttttttttttt   /
  |   ttttttttttttttttt   |
  /   ttttttttttttttttt   \
  |   ttttttttttttttttt   |
  \                       /
  |                       |
  /       ROTHIKGEN       \
It is a map to a possible fulgurite site.

In other words, the fulgurite site was in the middle of some big tundra area. Luckily, I hit the correct spot on the first guess and I didn’t need to run through whole Rothikgen.

With two beads, my total bead count in the fulgurite shop increased to 10, which allowed me to improve my fulgurite bracelets further. I have now +3 int as primary stat on it, but no secondary stats.

I also made almost 2M exp in one day.