| Year 2024 Summary

Posted December 31, 2024 ( riftwalker channeller )

Level: 92

Exp: 428.2M

Reinc: human riftwalker(15)+channeller(30)+mage(10)+innercircle(10)+ navigator(4)+treenav(3)+saato+(5)

It is end of year again. I tried to summarize my activities and highlights from year 2024.

Experience points

This year I increased my exp totals from 281M to 428M (= +147M) with my primary char. The exp totals for my secondary char first increased from 98M to 150M, but then I rebirthed and now the totals are 53M. If ignoring the exp loss from the rebirth, I made about 105M exp with my secondary char.

So, in total 252M exp made this year.


I reincarnated six times with my primary char:

  1. level 76 human alchemist merchant (29 days in reinc)
  2. level 92 catfolk monk tarmalen (78 days in reinc)
  3. level 77 human alchemist merchant (45 days in reinc)
  4. level 92 human monk tarmalen (78 days in reinc)
  5. level 96 catfolk monk tarmalen with inner circle via reinc ticket (82 days in reinc)
  6. level 92 human riftwalker channeller (54 days in reinc so far)

Secondary char:

  1. level 76 human monk tarmalen (5 days in reinc in 2024, 32 days in total)
  2. level 80 ogre ranger beastmaster (86 days in reinc)
  3. level 78 human tarmalen druid (13 day in reinc)
  4. level 68 human riftwalker channeller (18 days)
  5. level 26 lich monk (3 days in reinc, first reinc after rebirth)
  6. level 30 kobold riftwalker (63 days in reinc)
  7. level 52 ogre ranger (81 days in reinc)
  8. level 40 sprite riftwalker (48 days in reinc)
  9. level 60 human monk tarmalen (45 days in reinc so far)

15 reincs in total. As you can see, most of the time I like to be human/catfolk monktarma. Thanks to Black Reaver’s Axe and Torso Maker, the ranger reincs of my secondary char have been quite nice as well.

From all the reincs, there were three failed ones:

  • lich monk reinc - I didn’t like lich as a race it could not eat anything and Mind over body skill didn’t work either
  • tarmadruid reinc - Well, I got an idea that I “had” to test the reinc, but I have never really liked playing tarmadruid
  • kobold riftwalker reinc - While the exp rate was good, kobold spr was abysmal and I didn’t like the low vision either

Equipment parties

This year, I didn’t participate many eq parties as monktarma or alchmerchant isn’t really suitable for them.

However, three highlights from the year:

  1. Wildspace/Xirtonne party where I got +spr +flow of magic scarf
  2. 2man Wildspace/Aboleth party where I got knobbed oak staff (outworld clair)
  3. Halloween event parties where I got all the event prizes

Christmas 2024 period

Christmas time this year was not as exp rich as in the earlier years. I soloed 4M (Thelo) + 3M (Tohelo) exp during the double exp time, but didn’t participate any bigger exp parties.

On 24th day, I got a pair of short green boots <christmas glow> for Thelo and a gleaming pendant crafted from fresh mithril <strong christmas glow> for Tohelo from Santa.

I addition, I managed to claim a few christmas tree task points from various areas:

a christmas tree with taskpoint shining on top
image from Year 2024 Summary