| Yet Another Orb of Infizinity

Posted March 21, 2023 ( monk tarmalen )

Level: 83

Exp: 175.1M

Reinc: monk(30)+tarmalen(30)+navigator(3)+treenav(2)+slf(3)

While exploring in Desolathya, I found an orb of infizinity. After thinking a little what do with it, I ended up trading it for 6% int reinc flask as I’ll probably re-try channeller reinc at some point near future. …Yes, I might have gotten a better deal if I had sold the orb for 1M and then separately bought the reinc flask, but this way it was less hassle.

Monk skills

In addition to Wave crest strike, my Geyser force kick skill is now also 110%. Tsunami push is 92% and as I never have had that at 100%, I won’t be able to get it to 110% in this reinc.

With exp, I have trained Meditation to 100%, which gives me up to 180s long meditation when used with Kata.

Explore count

It would be nice to get 60% explore count (for 4 nav levels), so I have tried to search areas / rooms, which I haven’t visited yet. I managed to get myself into the old fort area and in addition, I have found some rooms from ancient temple of gods, great central desert, lands of lor, and enhanced forest areas. Currently my explore count is:

Explore count: 10646/18157 (E%: 58)