
| Gazgo event winner 2nd time

Level: 75  Exp: 234.8M  Reinc: human alchemist(30)+merchant(25)+navigator(3)+treenav(2)  

Won Gazgo event second time. (more)

| One Year Summary

Level: 75  Exp: 234.8M  Reinc: human alchemist(30)+merchant(25)+navigator(3)+treenav(2)  

One year summary. (more)

| Merchant Alchemist reinc, August update

Level: 75  Exp: 234.8M  Reinc: human alchemist(30)+merchant(25)+navigator(3)+treenav(2)  

Five weeks in merchant alchemist reinc. Income 675k gold during last three weeks. (more)

| Two 12 Slot Gargantuan Vaults

Level: 75  Exp: 234.4M  Reinc: human alchemist(30)+merchant(25)+navigator(3)+treenav(2)  

Almost three weeks in the alchmerchant reinc. Two 12 slot gargantuan vaults created. 1.8M gold income. (more)

| Merchant Alchemist reinc again

Level: 75  Exp: 234.2M  Reinc: human alchemist(30)+merchant(25)+navigator(3)+treenav(2)  

Reinced to alchemist/merchant once again. (more)

| Merchant Life

Level: 72  Exp: 161.3M  Reinc: merchant(25)+alchemist(30)+navigator(2)  

One month as merchant+alchemist: 23 chests, 89 rings, one class 2 boat. (more)

| Gargantuan Ruby Vault

Level: 72  Exp: 161.1M  Reinc: merchant(25)+alchemist(30)+navigator(2)  

Congratulations, for creating a 12 slot chest. (more)