
| Tohelo: Rixx-Tec gear

Level: 52  Exp: 37.0M  Reinc: ogre ranger(35)+squire(3)  

Created some Rixx-tec gear for Tohelo. (more)

| Tohelo: Level 52

Level: 52  Exp: 34.5M  Reinc: ogre ranger(35)+squire(3)  

Reached level 52 with my secondary character Tohelo. (more)

| Tohelo: 30M exp totals, switched SBS to str and dam equipment

Level: 51  Exp: 30.7M  Reinc: ogre ranger(35)+squire(2)  

Reached 30M exp totals with my secondary char Tohelo. Also, replaced SBS with str and dam stuff in my ranger eqset. (more)

| Tohelo: Level 50, Eightleg forest explore

Level: 50  Exp: 28.0M  Reinc: ogre ranger(35)+squire(1)  

Made exp for new level (50) for Tohelo and explored Eightleg forest a little. (more)

| Tohelo: 20M Totals

Level: 49  Exp: 20.0M  Reinc: ogre ranger(35)  

Reached 20M totals first time after rebirth with secondary character. In addition, some weapon testing and a new solo kill. (more)

| Tohelo: Reinc to ogre ranger

Level: 49  Exp: 13.1M  Reinc: ogre ranger(35)  

Reinced to ogre ranger with my secondary. (more)

| Tohelo: Deadly Chaos Drake Tamed

Level: 80  Exp: 129.0M  Reinc: ogre ranger(35)+squire(15)+beastmaster(15)  

Tamed a deadly black drake is clad in shadows and got the beastmaster quest. (more)