| Tohelo: 20M Totals

Posted July 19, 2024 ( ranger tohelo )

Level: 49

Exp: 20.0M

Reinc: ogre ranger(35)

Ogre ranger is working pretty well. With regen potions I can do steady solo exp in Heidel’s level 55 limited areas (Coffee forest, Butterfly farm, Eightleg Forest) and managed to reach 20M exp totals.

I also got a new solo kill from Butterfly forest:

a zombie, covered in small yellow flowers (undead), 53721 exp

Weapon testing

Liberator guild is one of the new(ish) guilds, which I havent tried out yet. That is mostly because I haven’t had any decent or semi-decent long blades.

Over the year, I have managed to poach some Kurgans (A runed black highsteel two-handed sword) for myself and went ahead and tested how they compare to my Santa Torso Maker and Black Reaver’s Axe pair.

Santa Torso Maker and Black Reaver’s Axe hit message percentages for me are:

7% incise
40% shred
43% horrible shred
10% slash

With similar monsters and 2x Kurgans, I get:

25% incise
50% shred
25% horrible shred

A runed black highsteel two-handed sword compares several steps lower than my tmaker or axe, but the damage is probably good enough for some sort of test reinc. (And, I also have Torso Maker, unless it goes poof before the reinc.)

NOTES: My str was around 200 and the actual testing was highly unscientific. For example, I didn’t account the weapon speed into my calculations. So, do your own testing before deciding what kind of weapons to use.